Joanne Colangelo 28th August 2009

A guinea pig was found abandoned in a large parking lot in the middle of a hot day in July in New York. She was blind with a raging ear infection, obviously dumped. I know that it was OUR DEBBIE who set the amazing events that followed this little pig on her journey to care, wellness and a new home. A young woman found the pig (who didn't run because she was totally blind) and brought it to our local shelter. The shelter doesn't take in small animals but my friend Bonnie happened to be there and called me. I took home the pig, whom of course I named DEBBIE for OUR Debbie, quickly realizing she was not well. My wonderful friend Cindy of The Critter Connection (2 1/2 hours away) said she'd take Debbie into her care. Now, Debbie the piggy is healthy and has found a forever home in Massachusetts! I KNOW in my heart that OUR DEBBIE orchestrated this! She is working her magic from heaven. I think of our Debbie every single day and I will for the rest of my life. "I miss you, Debbie. Keep guiding our little ones to safety." Love, Joanne