The Debs

2009 July 16

Created by jenny smith 15 years ago
'The Debs' I first worked with you at school in the Leavers' Unit in 1983 & I can honestly say they were wonderful times.A baptism of fire in fact! You were so dedicated & focused & you knew what you wanted for your students.Everything was planned & you wouldn't change anything if it wasn't in their best interest.You gave all your time & energies into your work. Out of school too, we enjoyed doing things. NOW Thurstaston-you arrived in the dark & heavy rain.We pleaded with you to come stay the night & put the tent up in the morning.'NO' said the Debs 'it's good experience'- so we unpacked the car & put the tent up.We went home soaked to the skin but at least we had a solid roof over our heads! It was lovely to see you again when you came to stay for school's 25th anniversary in 2006. Your letters were unique-how did you write so small?We looked forward to your yearly journal to read what you had been up to.You certainly crammed variety into your life, -you had an idea & you went for it - GOOD ON YOU. It was a pleasure to know you & to work with you,Debs. Will miss you Debs,Sweet dreams..... Lots of love ..Jenny,..Peter,..Simon..& Christopher Smith. xxxx Wirral, Merseyside.